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This user-friendly website is designed to assist people in making informed decisions about their healthcare by allowing transparent and comprehensive comparisons when seeking treatment abroad. Patients can get an overview of the healthcare provider and compare prices, facilities, accreditation, reviews and more. Users are then able to shortlist their selected providers and initiate consultation at one click!
Popular Medical Specialties
Popular Destinations
Compare Medical Tourism lists a wide variety of international healthcare providers ranging from specialist clinics to large multi-specialty hospitals. Therefore, a large variety of medical procedures are covered including hair transplant, IVF, weight loss or bariatric surgery, dental implants, cancer treatment, rhinoplasty and more.
Furthermore, each of our providers has been accredited by an independent international body ensuring safe and quality healthcare from reliable providers including the best orthopedic hospitals, dentists, clinics, and so on. Local services insufficient? Have your cosmetic surgery or your plastic surgery abroad!
Multiple filters aid your search to help you get the most comprehensive medical cost comparisons without the hassle of talking to others, or even stepping out of your house. Let us help you see the medical tourism industry in a new light.
What is Medical Tourism?
Medical Tourism or Global Healthcare is the process by which people seek healthcare and treatments abroad due to various reasons including:
- Affordability and poor availability of healthcare locally
- Long waiting times
- Choice of treatment not adopted universally
- World renowned expertise for particular treatment abroad
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